Sedna Junction Do I Have to Do the Lua Maps Again
Junctions are solo missions aboard Solar Rail network nodes that allow players to progress through the Star Chart.
Mechanics [ ]
Junctions consist of a small, round room, with a Warframe Specter kneeling in the centre. Each Junction is accompanied by a series of specific tasks. Completing these tasks is required to challenge a Junction'south specter for control of the connected Solar Track, which unlocks the next celestial body.
In add-on to star chart progression, completing a Junction grants 1,000 Mastery and several miscellaneous rewards (typically weapon blueprints and/or quests). Junction rewards tin merely exist claimed once.
Locations [ ]
Notes [ ]
- Junctions can be used as shortcuts between celestial bodies when navigating the star nautical chart.
- Junction tasks only bar the player from fighting the Specter, information technology does not prevent the player from inbound the junction itself.
- The list of tasks and rewards volition be shown in the rail, in front of the surface area the role player is barred from entering into. This is the same list every bit the one shown on the star nautical chart.
- Exiting a Junction will not be considered a mission failure.
- Specters tin be scanned even if the actor is prevented from attacking them.
- Sure paths betwixt celestial destinations do non have Junctions and can be traversed as soon as the nodes at either terminate are unlocked. They are:
- All the paths leading to the Void.
- The path leading from Earth to Lua.
- The path leading from Mars to Deimos.
- Specters reward approximately 2,000 affinity when killed.
- The Neptune Junction's "Complete any five missions on Uranus with merely your melee weapon equipped" requirement does not count Exalted Weapons or Archwing weapons against the requirement.
Tips [ ]
- Melee Heavy Slam Attack tin can exist use to command the Specters, and deal a significant corporeality of damage at low level.
- Using crowd command abilities that stun or freeze enemies (e.g.
Volt 'due south
Discharge and
Harrow 's
Condemn ) volition leave Specters completely vulnerable to the player's attacks.
- As the level of the Specters increases so do their firepower, potentially threatening and, in some farthermost cases, killing the player in a matter of seconds. It is recommended to bring a frame with either the power to protect themselves from damage (east.m.
Volt 's
Electric Shield or
Valkyr 'southward
Hysteria ), the ability to heal themselves (e.g.
Trinity 's
Approval ), or that can decently tank damage (due east.thou.
Rhino or
Inaros ).
- Using
Frost 's
Snow Globe ability knocks Specters back and deals large amounts of damage. Many (simply not all) of the specters will also remain outside the globe, preventing them from dealing whatsoever damage to Frost until the earth has been cleaved (which is typically more than than enough time to kill the specter from within the globe).
- Additionally, his
Freeze ability can be used repeatedly to preclude the Specter from moving or attacking.
- Additionally, his
Ash 's
Bract Storm ability alone can usually kill specters in ane hit. Specters are also vulnerable to Ash's
Fatal Teleport augment, causing significant impairment (often killing the specter outright) and preventing Ash from receiving damage for the duration of the finisher animation. Since Teleport can be cast back-to-dorsum for chained finishers, this can be used to quickly kill whatsoever of the specters with about no risk.
- Specters are vulnerable to
Hydroid 's
Undertow .
- Specters can exist
Enthrall ed by
Revenant .
- Specters tin can exist slept with
Ivara 'southward
Quiver 's sleep pointer, opening the specter up for finishers.
Trivia [ ]
- Each Specter is based on the Warframe whose components drop from the adjacent location's dominate, with the exception of
Volt on Venus to Mercury,
Frost on World to Mars,
Trinity on Mars to Ceres, and
Excalibur on Neptune to Pluto junction.
- Volt is the specter of the Mercury Junction because Captain Vor doesn't drop whatsoever Warframe Parts blueprints.
- The latter three were the result of a reshuffling of driblet locations for each frame introduced in Hotfix 22.8.three (2018-01-11).
- Players retained any star chart progress fabricated prior to Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08). Still, Junctions themselves notwithstanding needed to be completed to gain their rewards. Furthermore, Junction tasks only counted progress fabricated after the update, with the exception of completed quests.
- Junctions were inspired by Hyper Light Drifter.[1]
- The Junction tile set was used as a Railjack paradigm.[two]
- All Specters can say ane of the following lines upon the Tenno inbound the Junction:
- "This sacred Rail must be protected." (download)
- "Exit this identify or be returned to the Void." (download)
- "I am a Warden of the Solar Rails. I am your death." (download)
- "Only the sacred may pass. Heathens will perish." (download)
- "How dare you enter my home? I guard the Track with my shadow-life." (download)
- "The Solar Rails bind our System. I will not see it undone." (download)
- "Are you seeking a return to the Void? Claiming me and find destruction." (download)
- "I am entrusted to protect this most sacred temple. A pathway into the Void. Flee or be consumed." (download)
- "I accept pledged my shadow-life to defend the Solar Rails." (download)
- "I will purge your weakness from my Rail." (download)
- "Some other intruder... another corpse for the Void." (download)
- "Only those worthy may enter. Yous confront sure decease to oppose me." (download)
- "Your death awaits yous." (download)
- "I am a being of the Void, created to oppose yous. Leave now." (download)
- "Come no further if you value your life." (download)
Bugs [ ]
- The large window in the Junctions is not solid, allowing players to knock the Specter out into space with the advisable abilities and weapons.
- The Sedna Junction may not allow the player to enter even when all iv requirements have been met or the junction has already been completed.
- If a Junction is already completed and the player returns to scan the Specter for a codex entry, the Specter must exist scanned and killed, then the player must return a second fourth dimension and repeat this process for the codex entry to evidence up.
- This bug can be bypassed past exiting the junction from the Esc menu.
Media [ ]
Warframe Specter of the rail Vocalization line
Warframe -- Mercury Junction on VENUS consummate
Warframe - Venus & Mars Junctions on EARTH complete
Phobos & Ceres Junctions on MARS Warframe
Europa & Saturn Junctions on JUPITER
Uranus Junction on SATURN Warframe
Neptune Junction on URANUS Warframe
Pluto Junction on URANUS Warframe
Updated Versions
Warframe - MARS JUNCTION OF Globe - What you need to know
Warframe - SATURN JUNCTION OF JUPITER - What you need to know
Warframe - PLUTO JUNCTION OF NEPTUNE - What y'all need to know
Patch History [ ]
Update 31.five (2022-04-27)
- New Actor Experience
- Quality Of Life Changes
- Junction Changes:
- Removed the 'Craft a Warframe Specter' from the Europa Junction Chore list.
- In an attempt to help players motion through the Star Chart, we removed the viii hour Specter-crafting time gate that this task created.
- Reduced the 'Open Meso Void Relics' Uranus Junction chore from 3 to 1 in the Uranus Junction.
- Reduced the 'Scan Cephalon Fragments on Mars' Phobos Junction task from 3 to 1.
- Removed the 'Craft a Warframe Specter' from the Europa Junction Chore list.
Update 31 (2021-12-15)
- Fixed inability to proceed in the Junction Specter fight if y'all died at the exact moment the Specter also perished.
- Stock-still Junction Specter being of normal level when attempting to complete it in Steel Path.
- Stock-still Stalker spawning in a Junction and pushing you outside of the level.
Update thirty.nine (2021-11-eleven)
- Removed Ceres to Jupiter Task of defeating a Prosecutor to reduce initial friction and go you along your way faster. Prosecutors could take a long fourth dimension to spawn if you were unlucky.
- Stock-still problems with bill of fare stacking in the user interface on Junctions.
Hotfix 30.three.v (2021-06-10)
- Fixed line suspension on rewards title on Junction tasks listing.
Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)
- Junctions now accolade Credits upon completion!
- A script will be run to give Credits to players who take already completed the post-obit Junctions:
- World to Venus: v,000
- Venus to Mercury: 10,000
- Earth to Mars: 15,000
- Mars to Ceres: xx,000
- Mars to Phobos: 20,000
- Ceres to Jupiter: 30,000
- Jupiter to Europa: 40,000
- Jupiter to Saturn: 40,000
- Saturn to Uranus: lx,000
- Uranus to Neptune: 80,000
- Neptune to Pluto: lxxx,000
- Pluto to Eris: 100,000
- Pluto to Sedna: 100,000
- A script will be run to give Credits to players who take already completed the post-obit Junctions:
- 'Junction Tasks' Screen Changes:
- Rewards will now automatically scroll across the screen to requite you lot a total preview of what will be earned on successful Junction completion.
- Each job at present has a descriptive blurb to help directly you on how to get started on the job.
Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)
- Changed the Uranus Junction Goal text for Notice Caches to the correct corporeality (3 to 1).
Hotfix 29.10.1 (2021-03-xix)
- Fixed inability to complete a Junction due to persisting blackness screen upon load in.
Update 29.five (2020-xi-19)
- Fixed diddled out Junction sky boxes.
Hotfix 29.iii.ii (2020-11-05)
- Fixed ability to impale a Junction Specter before they've even had a chance to stand up, which could cause a script error.
Hotfix 29.three.1 (2020-11-04)
- Fixed Phobos Junction Mag Specter having double the intended Health and Shields.
Update 28.2 (2020-07-14)
- Fixed many Junction Specters having Health/Shield/Armour overrides, which gave them dramatically lower Health (eg: This changes Mag Specter's base Health from 75-1800). They should now match the listed values in the Codex.
Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)
- Beacons are now disabled in Junctions.
- This is a solo fight to show off those skills!
Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)
- The Earth to Mars Junction now awards the Atomic number 26 Phoenix Stance, and the Earth to Venus Junction at present awards the Ambivalent Wood Stance.
- This aims to provide new players an easier path to experience the Melee system at an early Star Chart phase. Those who have completed these Junctions will retroactively be given these Melee Stances.
Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)
- Fixed existence able to spring into Junction ceilings during the Spectre fights every bit per
- Stock-still ability to join another histrion in a Junction if you previously disconnected from their team.
Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)
- Numerous tweaks and Power balance passes towards Junction Specters.
Update 24.four (2019-03-08)
- New Player Experience Changes
- Polished numerous Junction dominate fights to have better power usage and combat pacing.
Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)
- Junction Changes
- Removed "Defeat iii Eximus enemies on Globe" requirement from Venus Junction.
- Lowered "Defeat 10 Eximus enemies on Venus" requirement on Mercury Junction to 5 Eximus enemies in any region.
- Lowered "Defeat x Sentient enemies on Lua" requirement to five Sentient enemies.
- Lowered "Collect any 3 Mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua" to 1 Modern.
Hotfix 22.8.three (2018-01-11)
- Replaced the Jupiter-Saturn Junction requirement of 'defeat the Raptor on Europa' with 'complete Baal on Europa'. This is due to the Raptor'southward boss fight getting increasingly difficult after his re-work, which created frustration for newer players attempting to unlock the Junction.
Hotfix: The Vacuum Within 3 (2016-10-thirteen)
- Changed a Phobos Junction task to read 'Scan 3 Cephalon Fragments on Mars' instead of five.
Update: The Silvery Grove 1.0 (2016-08-31)
- Fixed the 2d Dream quest key being given as a reward from completing the Natah quest. Players must complete the Uranus to Neptune Junction as intended.
Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3 (2016-08-23)
- Stock-still Junctions tasks appearing offscreen.
Update: The Silverish Grove (2016-08-xix)
- Void Crack Junction challenges tin can now be completed on any planet.
- Moved the '3 Spy information extractions' Junction Claiming to Neptune- Pluto to supersede 'three waves of Archwing Interception' now that Jupiter-Saturn requires players to defeat the Raptors on Europa.
- Fixed Loki's Disarm not working for Junction Specters against players.
- Fixed Junction list on some planets overlapping parts of the planet.
- Fixed the Junction task 'Collect twenty Mods' but counting Mods collected on World.
- Fixed completing the Suisei- Mars missions not showing as consummate for the Junction task.
Hotfix: Specters of the Runway (2016-08-10)
- Stock-still the Sedna Junction task 'Collect any 3 MODS from the Orokin Principle claiming rooms on LUA' not progressing if you lot collect 3 of the aforementioned Mod.
Hotfix: Specters of the Runway 0.13 (2016-07-26)
- Fixed being rewarded 0 Salvage instead of 500 for completing the Venus to Mercury Junction and World to Venus Junction.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rails 0.10 (2016-07-15)
- Fix for Junction progress not being saved for some clients
- Fixed an issue with the 1000 Mastery not being rewarded when completing a Junction. If you are eligible, information technology'll automatically repair on login.
- Junction job progress will now relieve even if y'all haven't unlocked the Junction node
- New Junction tasks:
- Mars Junction = complete an alarm, change to: "Collect 500 Rubedo from missions"
- Phobos Junction = complete an invasion mission, alter to "Scan 5 cephalon fragments on MARS" (Scans done before this modify will be counted retroactively)
- Europa Junction = consummate an infested outbreak mission, change to "Consummate TESHUB in the Void"
- Eris Junction = defeat Phorid in an infested outbreak, alter to "Find and Defeat LEPHANTIS in DERELICT"
- Uranus Junction = Added "Craft a DERELICT Cardinal"
Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.9 (2016-07-14)
- Fixed an issue with Client Junction Tasks not tracking. This ways any Clients trying to consummate tasks wouldn't see progress.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.7 (2016-07-14)
- Completing the Vor'southward Prize quest missions will now mark the nodes they're on as completed, so that you don't accept to backtrack and complete the nodes leading upward to the Junction a 2nd time earlier you tin enter information technology. Anyone who is mid-quest afterwards this Hotifx deploys will even so take to backtrack.
- Nosotros now allow progress towards Junction tasks during the tutorial, and with this we also fixed Junction tasks not working during Quests.
- You tin can at present revisit Junctions, and come across their new and improved diegetic bill of fare!
- Junction battles now have different passive bonuses for players competing against Specters to make the fights more fair. The passive bonuses are:
- Refilling ammo on respawn.
- Passive free energy regeneration.
- Fixed an consequence with Mods received as mission rewards not counting towards the "Collect X mods" Junction task.
- Fixed missing footstep sounds in Junctions.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.six (2016-07-12)
- Fixed the Eris Junction on Pluto not performance preventing progression.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rails 0.five (2016-07-12)
- Rebalanced the Frost and Volt Junction Specters to be less difficult on new players.
- Inverse the Junction task of "complete Spy missions with 3 data extractions" existence too strict and requiring that all 3 extractions are undetected.
- Fixed an issue with missing Blueprint elements for the Patient Nothing quest from Junction rewards.
- Fixed an outcome with Spy and Fissure Junction tasks not properly tracking.
Hotfix: Specters of the Track 0.iv (2016-07-11)
- Void Fissure Junction challenges can at present be completed on whatsoever planet. For example, earlier the a Junction could say request 3 Void Fissures be closed. This request was specific to the planet the Junction was on, which was not indicated in the UI. Now you can do the Void Fissure anywhere to count toward your Junction Challenge Tasks.
- Rebalanced the Rhino Specter in the Junction to be more manageable for new players.
- Updated the Globe (to Venus) challenge text to better signal the challenge requirement to "Apply 4 MODS to a single Warframe or Weapon", non just overall.
- Swapped the "Nightmare Mission" Junction Challenge with "Kill the Hyena Pack."
- Fixed an event with a Junction progression stopper task by replacing the crafting requirements of Vapor Specters.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.1 (2016-07-08)
- Removed the Natah and The Jordas Precept quests from Junctions every bit these are given out through server rewards.
- Fixed an effect with the Vor's Prize Junction job not being properly completed if the player elected to skip it.
- Fixed attribute ratio of credits icon in junction rewards.
- Fixed an issue with players being able to load into Junctions after meeting the requirements but not having completed the previous node.
Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)
- Introduced.
References [ ]
- ↑ Devstream 81 - 16:21
- ↑ Dogfooding/Coding Warframe! (Feb 12, 2017) - 3:06:57
Missions | |||
PvE | Standard | Assassination • Capture • Exterminate • Hijack • Mobile Defence force • Rescue • Sabotage (Assault, Deception, Hive, Orokin, Reactor, Sealab) • Spy | |
Endless | Defection • Disruption • Defence force • Earthworks • Infested Salvage • Interception • Survival • Void Armageddon • Void Cascade • Void Flood | ||
Free Roam | Bounty (Isolation Vault, Heist) | ||
Arena | The Index • Rathuum | ||
Special | Granum Void • Junction • Recovery • Sanctuary Onslaught | ||
Archwing | Exterminate • Interception • Mobile Defense • Pursuit • Rush • Sabotage | ||
Empyrean | Skirmish • Defense • Exterminate • Orphix • Volatile | ||
PvP | Conclave | Cephalon Capture • Annihilation • Team Annihilation • Lunaro | |
Other | Frame Fighter • Duel | ||
Arbitrations • Crossfire • Dark Sectors • Environmental Hazards • Invasions • Kuva Siphon • Kuva Lich • Nightmare Mode • Nightwave • Sorties • The Steel Path • Void Fissures |
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